FLOOD: I'm FLOOD and this interview with Judenhass for the https://nationaltop40.com, Big Floppa's top 40 website where you can vote for the top 40 off the Based88 and we're here with Judenhass. We're doing a historical first interview with the King of All parody songs, of all music really. Thanks for joining us man.

Judenhass: Thanks, bro. Heil Hitler.

FLOOD: So Andail has prepared some questions, I think they're pretty good questions. I think you kind of use those as just a basis and we'll try to kind of make it fairly quick, I know that you're a very busy man. The first question he's got is what musical skills do you have and are you new to this? Are you a musician at all or do you just sing?

Judenhass: I am not a musician at all, no. I can read music, but like so slow that it would take me like fucking two hours to play a song.

FLOOD: I got you. I got you.

Judenhass: I did learn how to play a gavotte, like some French song, like a couple like a years ago, and I was able to play that pretty well on the piano, but I don't practice. I forgot it all again. So yeah, you know...

FLOOD: So, that's pretty cool, so that's that's very interesting, I think you're very musical or I should say your your catalog is extremely diverse and you put out a lot of music pretty rapidly, so I mean, so you're pretty fucking based, right? Andail says, 'how did you get so based?', and that's a good question. Was there an event what was the event that that redpilled you?

Judenhass: Ahh, how did I get so based? Gradually and then suddenly.

FLOOD: I like that 'gradually and then suddenly'.

Judenhass: No, I yeah, I don't know dude. I just, I watched, like, a lot. I had a lot of free time back in the day, and I watched a lot of documentaries and shit to started clicking, and then I started to get more and more curious about shit and then, eventually... Like it was all asking questions and asking more questions and asking more questions, and then eventually I started like finding the answers to the questions and the answers were always 'jews'.

FLOOD: So you did your own research basically the answer to like every...

Judenhass: Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah for years since like maybe 2006 or so. That's when I first started like deep diving into all this shit, and then... But it took me a while to get to the JQ and even longer to get to race, but well, yeah, I mean think I'm kind of there now.

FLOOD: That's a good that's a great segue into this next question, you know, because you know, kind of when it comes to the movement itself and I know we've had this discussion before but you know, he's you know, where do you kind of see yourself fitting into the to like the the White Power movement or the you know kind of the White awareness movement, racial awareness and you know... He sees I guess his questions between GDL regional and regional divisions and Blood Tribe. Are you in BT or do you identify with any other groups by any chance marks with Blood...

Judenhass: I've marched with Blood Tribe, I'm down with them. I just I didn't cut my hand on the spear, right? But I'm down with them right now. I marched with them before, but yeah, I mean, I'm GDL all the way. I know GDL is most in tune with why the way I see things in the way that I feel like I can contribute. So I'm definitely first and foremost GDL, but I do have a lot of respect for BT and you know NSC-131 and White Lives Matter and you know, I've got friends in you know with formerly NJP. So, I mean if you're pro-White then you're cool with me.

FLOOD: Right on I appreciate that about you too.

Judenhass: Oh, yes, OBS guys. Yeah, I'm friends with basically everybody. Just I don't like officially affiliating with anybody but GDL.

FLOOD: Right on, I respect that for sure, and see his next question is kind of about the messages in your songs. I've noticed the messages in your songs are actually very diverse. You go, you know beyond kind of the stereotypical rhetoric, you take things further and you have more meaning, you know what I mean in your parodies and I think a lot of people, you know a lot of people sing about 'gas kikes' and things like that, but you seem to take it beyond just that.

Judenhass: I would never I would never say that.

FLOOD: Never, never, that's a terrible thing to say. I can't believe anyone would even say that at all. But I've noticed like... I know right. I know I thought about having it, but I thought it wouldn't be wouldn't be appropriate. So the the last one was Heil Like You Mean It which is great like like it's "throw those Romans like you mean it", like all your all your songs do have a message and they have an inside message. Yeah, I think that's that's pretty that's pretty deep. There's the external message and then there's the internal, you know, kind of you know inside joke, which is I think pretty based.

Judenhass: Right, right. Yeah. So yeah, the message to the outside the overall bigger message is that like naming the jew is fun. It's funny and it's cool and it's easy and you can do it too, so go fucking do it because that's how we shift the culture. And then I tried to drop jokes for people who who know what's up because the average normie is not gonna understand a lot of a lot of the shit that I say probably but if you're aware of the lore then you get it you get a chuckle out of it.

FLOOD: I love it. I love the the inside jokes the most especially with the videos. Whoever does your videos is also in on the jokes. I think that's pretty good.

Judenhass: Sure. That's me, nigger.

FLOOD: You do all your own videos? That's a good question that's a good, that's a good topic.

Judenhass: KillYourTV did two and Dragon Fox did one, and Sleep_No_More did one, and then I did all the rest.

FLOOD: And you've done like 29. Yeah.

Judenhass: So far...

FLOOD: That's fantastic. I appreciate that, I actually I have a lot of respect for a video guy.

Judenhass: Oh, oh, sorry. Sorry, I left out Memewaffen, my bad, HBMemewaffen did that last one.

FLOOD: The last one was fire. Yeah, that was a good video.

Judenhass: I just yeah, I just did the titles on that, but he did the video. Oh, you know what? What was the one? The fuck, was it called? Let me see, the one with the 9-11 shit, the fucking oldies. What the hell is it dude? HT used to play the bridge at the end of the end of the show...

FLOOD: I should open up. Hold on... I've got the directory here. I know exactly which one you're talking about there.

Judenhass: I can't remember my own songs.

FLOOD: I know, I do the same thing. Don't worry. This is...

Judenhass: But, that song, it's all red. The video is all red...

FLOOD: Planned By Heebs.

Judenhass: UNRULED did the the red background graphics for that. Yeah, and I just added the titles. Shout out to UNRULED. unruled fucking rocks.

FLOOD: That's great. Actually that leads into the next question, because, this question really is about collaborations. You've done some collaborations with some some other really big names you do a lot of work with a lot of guys. You've worked with Fashanova, he's very popular. You've worked with Hissing Possum and that's a very hot song right now, too. Is there anybody that you plan on doing other collaborations with that you want to disclose or is there anybody that you want to work with you know that that you'd like to to do something with in the future?

Judenhass: Yeah, fucking Mr. Bond, bro.

FLOOD: Right on right on, Mr. Bond.

Judenhass: I don't know. Someday. That's that's the goal, right? But now I have I have a bunch of stuff in the works. I already have a song with Ray Cis coming out at some point that I record a verse for him. I'm just waiting on him to do his part and then, it'll be his song, so I'm just a 'featuring'. I mean, I did that song for Philfy, and there's a bunch of guys on that so technically there's a bunch of collabs in there and I also just did that song with AnonymousGoy so there's a couple of us on there.

FLOOD: Yeah, are you guys actually collabing on this? Are you just like set it in stems, it's just like, okay you know yours here's a you do a verse and send it in like who's doing the production on all that stuff. Is that you too?

Judenhass: Oh, yeah, it's not like we're getting together and...

FLOOD: No, you're all meeting in fucking Denver. Yeah, I got you.

Judenhass: No, yeah, like that last one, AnonymousGoy did the whole mix. So...

FLOOD: He's very talented fellow.

Judenhass: I do have a, yeah, he is. Dude, there's so much talent. It's fucking awesome. But I have stuff lined up to do with Z Kyle, Hondaricer... Always trying to get with Jewpac, we do have do have a collab with Jewpac, Fashanova and PURPP, which is fucking fire. But I just have to wait until I get a video made for it to put that out, but that should hopefully come out this summer.

FLOOD: I'll bet it's hard to kind of sit on stuff that you got that you know is fire but it just doesn't have a video yet, that's got to be rough.

Judenhass: I've been saving all the best shit for this third album. I have stuff that was done more than two years ago that's just waiting.

FLOOD: I can't wait and just that's just hypes it up even more.

Judenhass: The video editors...

FLOOD: You sent me the cover art for that. What's that called again? I don't have it handy, but that's what I need to start...

Judenhass: Uber Alles.

FLOOD: Uber Alles. I need to start shilling that, you know, get you a commercial or something, get it in my commercial role. Okay, so your name, Judenhass know I was

Judenhass: Speaking of commercials, and I just thought of something. Earlier today I was thinking of a dentist who also does tranny surgery. It can be called "transandental".

FLOOD: *Clears throat* That sounds fantastic. It's brilliant. You know someone might steal that idea from this interview, that'd be terrible. "Transandental" that's going to make me laugh all night. I'm sorry dude. I'm such a boomer. Okay, so your name is Judenhass and is German, you rap in German on Chimney crooks. Are you are you German? Are you a Nazi? No, I'm just kidding but where's the affinity well German stuff come from I?

Judenhass: I have a bit of German I had a uncle in SS...

FLOOD: Fantastic.

Judenhass: Uncle I should say, I have been studying German since high school. I still suck at it because I've been studying extremely passively, but I pick it up every once in a while and get back to it, so...

FLOOD: That's based.

Judenhass: I have like a three-year streak on Duolingo...

FLOOD: Think we need more, I want to hear more German. Yeah, dude. I think it's awesome, especially when it when you put it in your music dude, it sounds really sick.

Judenhass: Yeah, I try to I try to pay tribute once in a while, plus it like sometimes it just fits so well.

FLOOD: Absolutely, well it worked really good in Chimney crooks. Let's see here. He's got another question. Do you have a favorite streamer? I'm not sure we need to go into that, I don't really know if that's a very fair question to anybody in the movement these days, HTs everybody's favorite. I kind of have to apologize for Andail on that one. Sorry for that very unprofessional, amateur. Terrible.

Judenhass: I don't know, I get burned out on the stream sometimes. There's there's so much, so many streams, it's like I feel like I'm very unproductive when I when I watch streams.

FLOOD: Oh tell me about it. I have to shut everything off. Yep turn everything off if I can get any work done. Before this interview, I had to literally just close all the windows. Let's see here see if we got any other good questions. He says where do you see the movement in six years? Goy? Will you be the minister of propaganda for the fourth Reich? I think that's a great position that you should fill. Six years a long time down the road these days. That's like 600 years.

Judenhass: Yeah. yeah, maybe maybe I can develop some, ah... 'disaprin' by then, maybe I can be 'disaprined' to hold that position. Yeah, I rack disaprin so. But I don't know, six years? Where's the movement? I think hopefully we'll be dominating popular culture, and the jews will be running in fear.

FLOOD: I agree. I think so too. I think that kind of leads to one of the last questions here which is a great a great segue and that's: do you see us achieving our ends within the political system? I think I would add to that or or within the culture war, you know, I mean because I think there's a difference between winning the political game and the culture game, and I think the culture game we actually have a chance at but what are your thoughts on that? I think the solution will be political, but I know a lot of people have made a cliche out of it, you know?

Judenhass: Right well, so the political system is just fucking lock and key controlled by kikes. So it's not like we can just voot our way out, right? But...

FLOOD: Hasn't worked yet.

Judenhass: The popular culture is like, they have a grasp on it, but it's loose and we, since we are able to affect that, that's like the way that we can get in, and then once we have demolished jewish culture in, you know, pop culture then that's when we can actually start to make political change because yeah, people who are just not afraid to be called 'anti-semitic', not afraid to, you know, piss jews off and who are understanding the real situation at hand.

FLOOD: That's probably one of the most based answers I've ever heard on that subject.

Judenhass: Some combination of that. Thank you.

FLOOD: Yeah, thank you for putting it that way too like, we won't even have political capital until we win the culture war. I haven't heard it said that way before but that's very succinct. Yeah, this guy's pretty shmart.

Judenhass: It's some nutcase, emotionally driven antifa types want to go out there and do some violence. I would not ever condone that.

FLOOD: I wouldn't either, that'd be terrible, you know, any sort of acceleration.

Judenhass: Yeah, but if they were to somehow like wake up to the truth and learn what was really going on and then become really angry about it and go and do something about it. That would just I just don't even know what I would say.

FLOOD: Now I think that's a wild card that you've hit on and this isn't a part of the script or questions, but I I think that's something you've hit on that I definitely would ask, like, did you have it on your bingo card that it could actually be the left that starts, you know, The Big Pogrom or, you know, the Big Exodus. It could be the left that actually initiates the things, you know that we think the right should have done, you know, I mean is that is that cross your mind?

Judenhass: It seems like yeah, it seems like that's a very large possibility because it's like when you think about the people on the left and people on the right, you think like the right, they're like closer to understanding the shit. Like it doesn't take that much politically to push a a hard right leaning conservative guy? Not really, all you have to do is race pill them and explain the jew question, and then they're they're like fucking Heil Hitler, right? But that's because they're more thinking and they're more like strategic and they want to understand what's going on and base their opinions on their knowledge. But people on the left... they don't give a fuck about knowledge, they only care about how it makes them feel and that's why they're so much more ready to go out and fuck shit up, so...

FLOOD: True. They are totally unstable, running on emotion.

Judenhass: I'm surprised to see, right, so like getting them on our side is is key, because then you know, we've got foot soldiers.

FLOOD: We got we got our own idiots. Yeah

Judenhass: Them going you know...

FLOOD: No, that would be incitement. That's crazy talk. Yeah.

Judenhass: Right

FLOOD: Yes, well speaking of crazy talk, I guess we're down to the last question, and this is like a hard question and so I've noticed during the HT show, it's come up a couple of times. Otters. HT doesn't know what otters are. He doesn't understand why people like otters. He doesn't understand the otter situation. Are you aware? Are you otter pilled and what are your thoughts about otters?

Judenhass: Uh, it came it was it was late in my awakening that I came to the otter pill, but um, I think uh, no, I don't I don't know the idea. I don't know the fascination with otters, but um but I'm sure they're based because like...

FLOOD: We need to get a deep dive on otters really I'm gonna find someone who'll do one so that we can find exactly where this came from. Is this a forced meme? Did the jews plant otters?

Judenhass: I know Floppa is really obsessed with otters.

FLOOD: Oh, that's interesting that you would make that connection between jews and floppa. That's very interesting. And otters, hmm. We'll have to do a deep dive on otters one of these days. No, no, I'm making jokes, but uh, Andail decided that would be the last question right? Personally, I didn't know anything about otters. I'm just like you, the Otter Pill was magical. I took and I didn't know, I still don't know what the fuck, you know? But something about them is cool and I heard they are racist and that's pretty based.

Judenhass: They're good swimmers.

FLOOD: And they are good swimmers. I didn't really think about that but that's true. Well, shit man...

Judenhass: I think they use tools, right? Don't they like smash rock smash shells with rocks and shit?

FLOOD: Yes, they smash rocks on niggers, and all kinds of cool things.

Judenhass: Fuck, yeah.

FLOOD: That's that that's all the questions I think...

Judenhass: Not that I could condone that type of behavior...

FLOOD: No, that's terrible. Who would do something like don't do that, don't do that, lefties. You meth'd-out lefties. Do you have any questions? Is there anything that you do you think that people checking out the top 40 website should know, or anything you want to tell the folks that are visiting, because I think that's where this interview is going to be?

Judenhass: All right, yeah. I think you guys should all vote and you should all tell your friends to vote and build this thing up because this is a really cool project, and I'm happy to see this happen for the pro-White community. And uh, you don't have to vote for me. Just vote for somebody. Just keeping this thing going is cool, and the more interest it builds, the more people are gonna pull in. I think the music scene that we've got going here is a really great tool to attract more kids, because you know people always tell me they're like, oh, I played your song for my friend and now he's fucking heiling Hitler and I'm like, fuck. So...

FLOOD: I think so too, dude, the music has flipped a lot of people. It has. A lot of people love it.

Judenhass: It because like otherwise it's like okay, you got documentaries and you got a bunch of angry kids on the internet, and then that's not really that doesn't bring in a lot of people, necessarily, only like they have to find it, and already be down with it before they're gonna...

FLOOD: Yeah...

Judenhass: Like latch on to that kind of shit. But when you show them we've got this fun, party culture going on here, that's actually fun and hilarious and you know, it's that's what we're doing. We're shaping the culture, we're filling in the gaps and giving them an alternative to all of the jew shit. I mean, I wish there was more. I wish we had some like funding we could do tv shows and animations and movies and shit, but I think we'll get there

FLOOD: It's growing. Yeah, it's growing organically. I agree and I think you're a huge part of that man, and a huge part of the of the culture and if Mr. Bond were around, dude, he would absolutely love to do a duet with you or do some work with you for sure. I think you'd make him really proud.

Judenhass: That'd be great. I sent them a letter but fucking I think customs stole it, because I don't think the shipment... the tracking number just disappeared out of the system eventually, and it never showed it was delivered.

FLOOD: Many such cases from what I've heard. Yeah. Well, that's that's fantastic, man. I want to thank you for your, time dude to sit down do an interview, I know you got a lot of things to do, and you're a busy family guy. So man, you put in a lot of work for the cause and thanks for what you do.

Judenhass: Thanks, FLOOD, you too. Oh you fucking are inspiration.

FLOOD: Ah, that's nice of you. Well, all right, dude.

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